Carberry Yard – Car Park Surfacing and Drainage Contract

May 2015 – 5 days – Civil/Commercial

CPR began work on the car park in Carberry Yard which is located in Dumbartonshire. This was a two part job that required both surfacing and drainage.

Starting off with scraping and grading the existing the surface prior to laying on the type 1 sub base. Next, the surface was excavated and 2 road gullies installed at either end of the ACO channel. The channel was placed on either side of the door entrance to the yard and the road gullies connected to the ACO.

More type 1 sub base was then laid and compressed by the ride-on roller, followed by carpave which was machine laid and compact again by the roller. All of the joints were then sealed and a final inspection was carried out by the foreman to ensure complete satisfaction of the job.