Carstairs Junction Works Completed Ahead of Schedule

Development works on a new compound at Carstairs Junction, on behalf of Rail System Alliance Scotland led by Babcock Rail, have been completed ahead of schedule. The new site compound included a car park, lay down area, access road and turning head area.

CPR specialise in Civils and Surfacing works across both rail and road environments. Their expertise in the rail sector enabled their teams to put in place the safety measures required to work near overhead lines, while delivering a civils and surfacing contract.

The site is part of Network Rail's infrastructure and was a mixture of marshland, vegetation, a gravel road and a mound of spoil.

CPR's Surfacing and Civils Divisions worked on the project which commenced on 18th November 2019 and was expected to take 13 weeks to complete, but instead were completed in 12 weeks.

A significant portion of the works were related to the de-vegetation, excavation and preparatory works required to enable to roads to be constructed.

Gerry McFadden, Project Manager for Rail Systems Alliance Scotland said "CPR are currently working on Carstairs MDU Compound 3 Enhancement Works. Works commenced on 18th Nov and were due to be completed on 21st February but are now expected to be completed by week ending 7th February. CPR have carried out civils including site preparations and excavation, drainage, and surfacing onsite. Works have been carried out professionally and CPR have contributed significantly to the early delivery of the project.”