CPR Approved Supplier to hub West Scotland (hWS)

CPR have successfully gained approved supplier status with hub West Scotland (hWS) in October 2017. The hub is one of 5 regional private sector development partners who work in partnership with the public sector.

The hubs were established in 2010 by the Scottish Government via an independent company Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) with a responsibility for delivering value for money across public sector infrastructure investment.

CPR are on now a member of the SME supply chain for Hub West Scotland (hWS). This is a joint-venture organisation which is owned by both the public and private sectors. They work with 15 public bodies in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, known as the West Territory. They work in partnership to design and construct facilities which provide services to the local communities such as: schools, health centres; leisure centres and offices.

Examples of the types of projects hub West Scotland undertake can be viewed on their website including:

Completed Projects

Projects in Construction

Projects in Development