CPR’s Civils and Surfacing Divisions have been deployed for a second time to deliver a major project at Millerhill Depot near Edinburgh. This is a newly constructed facility that will house the new electric train fleet required for the EGIP Programme; the biggest investment in Central Scotland’s railway infrastructure for 100 years.
CPR is involved as a civils sub-contractor to Morgan Sindall and in 2017 delivered the construction of roads and pathways across the extensive site at Millerhill. They are back again in October 2018 to deliver the Excavation, Ducting, Surfacing and Concreting for the installation of a Scottish Water Main at the depot.
CPR’s Civils and Surfacing Divisions initially excavated and constructed a 107m2 concrete slab to house the tanks and created the soakaways around it. They then constructed a Tarmac walkway around the tank and installed kerbing for it.
The next stage is to excavate the channels for the ducting, install the pipes then reinstate the surfacing. This will include almost 900m of pipe and chambers.
A range of CPR’s plant, small plant and vehicles will be utilised for the project including, but not limited to, 5 tonne excavators, road pavers, HGV’s and Hino Hiab lorries. The project is due to complete by the end of November 2018.