CPR are a leading rail contractor within the UK. CPR Rail Division has a high level of experience and credentials, health and safety certifications, rail specific accreditations and plant, all of which has been developed in the company over the last 20 years.
With over 30 PTS trained staff and national maintenance frameworks with Network Rail for Scotland and the North East Mail Line, CPR have a sophisticated rail safety and management process with highly qualified operatives, and qualified and experienced planning and management teams.
Maintenance works on all aspects of rail infrastructure including platforms, bridges, pathways, coping, car parks are completed.
Client Managers and Planners are carefully assigned to communicate with and support clients, ensuring correct representation so that the best possible service is established and maintained. Atrium experienced Client Managers work closely with our Contracts and Planning Teams to ensure an efficient delivery of works whilst monitoring and measuring KPIs for present and future progression.
- Constructionline
- ISO9001:2008
- ISO14001:2004
- OHSAS 18001:2007
- Controller of Site Safety (COSS)
- Abrasive Wheels
- Engineering Supervisor CAT & Genny Training
- Protection Controller
- Manual Handling
- Individual Working Alone
- Dumper Training Excavator Training
- Tele-hander
- First Aid
- Vehicle Banksman
- Engineering Supervisor
- Site Warden
- Safe System of Work (SSOW) Planner
- Planning and Delivering Safe Work (PDSW) Planner/Issuer
- Planning and Delivering Safe Work (PDSW) Authorising Authority
- Network Rail
- ScotRaill
- Babcock Rail
Contract Types
- Platform refurbishment
- Resurfacing
- Car park resurfacing
- Coping and concrete works
- Paths and access road resurfacing