CPR are tarmac, asphalt and concrete resurfacing and construction contractors for pathways and cycle paths in Scotland, Northern and Central England. Clients include Local Authorities, Housing Associations, CPMS, Laing O'Rourke, Savills, and private landlords.
Resurfacing and construction of pathways and access roads can include services including surface options, kerbing, utilities, drainage, soft landscaping and specialist plant for both rural and urban environs.
- Constructionline
- ISO9001:2008
- ISO14001:2004
- OHSAS 18001:2007
- Controller of Site Safety (COSS)
- Abrasive Wheels
- Engineering Supervisor CAT & Genny Training
- Protection Controller
- Manual Handling
- Individual Working Alone
- Dumper Training Excavator Training
- Tele-hander
- First Aid
- Vehicle Banksman
- Engineering Supervisor
- Site Warden
- Safe System of Work (SSOW) Planner
- Planning and Delivering Safe Work (PDSW) Planner/Issuer
- Planning and Delivering Safe Work (PDSW) Authorising Authority
- Network Rail
- ScotRaill
- Babcock Rail
- Laing O'Rourke
- Morgan Sindall
- Balfour Beatty
- Argyll & Bute Council
- Lomond Shores
- 2 Sisters Food Group
- Savills
- Bield Housing Association
- United Biscuits
- BP
- Interserve
Contract Types
- Asphalt resurfacing contractors
- Concrete resurfacing
- Road repair contractors
- Platform resurfacing
- Tarmac contractors
- Asphalt car park construction
- Tarmac car park resurfacing
- Public road contractor
- Private roads resurfacing contractor
- Commercial access roads contractor
- Cycle path resurfacing
- Public pathways resurfacing
- School playgrounds
- Housing association paths and carparks
- Driveways
- Station car parks resurfacing
- Station access roads resurfacing
A fleet of vehicles and plant are owned by CPR to deliver added value onto clients and ensure the well maintained equipment is transported to site on a daily basis.