CPR have commenced works to develop the site of a new compound at Carstairs Junction on behalf of Rail System Alliance Scotland which has considerable ALO measures in place. The existing site is part of Network Rail's infrastructure and is currently a mixture of marshland, vegetation, a gravel road and a mound of spoil. This will be developed into a site compound, car park, laydown area and road section over the coming weeks.
Rail System Alliance Scotland is a collaborative venture between Babcock Rail, Arup and Arcadis who have been awarded a 10 year contract to deliver works to the rail network on systems such as track, points, signalling and overhead lines. They are one of three alliances (North Alliance) and will deliver projects within Scotland.
The works will clear the site through excavation and disposal of the materials, then create a new laydown area, car park, access road and site compound. All staff on site will be PTS certified including COSS and input from CPR's Rail Planning Management staff.
Safety measures put into the ALO plan include road barriers near the access road to the site, a safeguarded green working zone and daily briefings to all staff onsite.